«Sensitive design of colour and light brings tangible benefits to the quality of life because it enhances people and makes everyday relationships easier and more pleasant».

The Massimo Caiazzo studio has been combining academic experience with consulting and colour design in the fields of architecture, design and communication since 2006.

Our expertise ranges from the formulation of colour and lighting ambience for exteriors, interiors and furniture, to strategic colour consulting in product and brand design.

The multidisciplinary philosophy of the Massimo Caiazzo studio is aimed at inspiring and assisting the client in all colour-related choices, motivating and explaining the physiological, psychological, ergonomic and synaesthetic aspects of colour design. Our services are aimed at an international clientele that considers the effects of colour and artificial light as an expression of a broader concept of well-being and not merely an aesthetic factor.

Studio Massimo Caiazzo’s professional experience takes the form of consultancy and colour design in the following areas:


Condos, residences,
apartments, villas


Prisons, schools, universities, hospitals, places of worship, libraries, museums


Hotel, spa, bar, pastries, restaurants,
showroom, retail and wholesale shops


Banks, post offices, insurance companies,
professional offices and all workplaces


Production facilities,


Complements, signage,


Furnishing accessories, household goods,
household appliances, cosmetic products


Public transport, marine industry
and automotive


Corporate image, packaging,


Seasonal palettes, colour combinations,
patterns, iconographic research


Installations, events, performances,
exhibitions, installations


In order to formulate an effective colour design that meets the functional and aesthetic requirements of the client, it is first necessary to carry out a detailed analysis of the products, the spaces and the perceptions of those who use them.

Analysis tools shared with the client make it possible to identify useful design elements and to represent a space or product in an understandable way. The design of the colour and lighting atmosphere is based on the principles of colour ergonomics and consists of four stages that can be modulated according to the customer’s objectives by adding additional services if necessary:

ANALYSIS: Each project starts with a meeting with the client to define together the type and scope of the assignment. On the basis of the information gathered, a polarity profile will be drawn up in which not only the objectives of the intervention but also its potential criticalities will be summarised.

CHROMATIC SCHEME: The analysis is followed by an evaluation of the impact of colours and lighting, resulting in a scheme illustrating the colour and lighting atmosphere, suggested colour combinations and possible options.

PRELIMINARY DRAFT: In this phase all elements are represented graphically in order to identify each part of the intervention with palettes, material proposals to be examined and discussed with the client.

EXECUTIVE PROJECT: The most delicate phase involves sampling the colours and finishes of all surfaces and supervising the realisation of the project. Studio Massimo Caiazzo constantly monitors the progress of the work so that any problems are resolved promptly.

EXTRA SERVICES: Upon request we offer exclusive design products such as upholstery, furniture and accessories. For both residential and commercial projects, in addition to our ‘finishing’ services, we also offer our advice on the selection of signature design elements and works of art.

Massimo Caiazzo, my youngest and longest collaborator who has been at my side for years and now has his own qualified international profession, is an excellent messenger and testimonial of my thought, we are very fond of each other and know each other deeply. He is an excellent storyteller, cultured, brilliant and funny.

My opinion of Massimo is that while on the one hand he is a cold intellectual, on the other hand he is a great instinctive and therefore this sensitivity I see in him about colour seems to me to be linked to both of these two aspects, which would seem to be opposites, because colour has science and colour has artistic sensitivity, and his way of doing colour professionally seems to me to be a goal over the rest of his personality, because it fits him like a glove.

I had Massimo precisely because I needed someone who knew about colour, I don’t know about colour, I use it instinctively, I don’t use it conscientiously, instead there are colour consultants who know about it, Massimo is one of them.

Alessandro Mendini (Milan, 16 August 1931 - Milan, 18 February 2019)

Architect, designer, artist. A great master of design both as an intellectual and theoretician and as a designer.

Prof. Massimo Caiazzo was appointed Vice President of IACC International for Italy in 2011. He was responsible for setting up the IACC office in Italy, which runs the programme that trains and accredits colour designers according to the international Education/Accreditation IACC guidelines. Massimo is a formidable resource for IACC in all respects

Frank H Mahnke (Holzminden, 1947 - Geneva, 2015)

Founder of AICCE - American Information Center for Colour and Environment, President of IACC - International Association of Colour Consultants/Designers. Author of reference texts on colour in design including 'Colour Environment & Human Response'.

A life dedicated to colour and beauty. A colour that for Massimo was never an occasional choice, but the result of deliberate and conscious decisions. A skilful play, attentive to functionality, precise in assessing the atmosphere that colours can create in the distribution of space and the sense of well-being they can arouse. The site reveals the sensitivity of someone who has explored the many possibilities that colour offers: from communication, to synaesthesia, to the relationship with music that has been central to his work, to the ongoing exploration of its emotional and perceptual boundaries. Passion, expertise, creativity, design and the future have guided and continue to guide his work

Lia Luzzatto

Essayist, lecturer, journalist. Specialising in colour communication applied to graphics, advertising and web design.

An achromatic world is inconceivable not so much because of the fundamental biological role played by colour perception, in the absence of which the brain can always make up for, but because of the renunciation of irreplaceable aesthetic communication. There is a scientific basis for colour, which binds the different frequencies of light radiation to our brain via the receptors on the retina; it is nice, for example, to know that the sensation of violet comes to us both from the highest frequencies of visible light, those close to UV, and from the simultaneous incidence of blue and red on our eyes. But in the end what matters is that we play with colours, just as we do with sounds. And managing colours, that is, knowing how to live with them, constitutes one of the oldest and most sublime artistic and spiritual challenges.

Enrico Banfi

Director of the Milan Natural History Museum, botanist.

I feel very much a part of Professor Massimo Caiazzo’s way of thinking about colour and his commitment to promoting a culture of colour. From the point of view of colour design, one consideration: in optics, a distinction is made between first-degree, radiating sources, the sun, and second-degree, reflecting sources, the moon. Objects and their colour must also be considered as energy, perceptual, cultural sources. Designing and applying colour means arousing energies, it means designing sources.

Narciso Silvestrini

An eminent scholar and researcher on colour, he is known for his publication in the series Quaderni di Design directed by Bruno Munari entitled Colore: codice e norma (1981); and especially for his participation in the 42nd Venice Biennale dedicated to the theme of Art and Science (1986), for the colour section.

The theme of colour can be approached in various ways: Massimo Caiazzo approaches it as the creative man he is and expounds it in a rich and seductive way on his site. When we first met, colour and the visual perception of reality were at the centre of a happy and stimulating encounter, as an ideal bridge was thrown between neuroscience and the artistic-creative dimension that is at the centre of Massimo’s interests, as demonstrated by his long and rich curriculum, an ideal labyrinth in which the themes of perception, illusions, and the mind’s responses to a world full of seductions come together. Massimo shows us that reality can be different, richer, more in line with the needs of our psyche: because the aesthetic dimension is not an afterthought but one of the fundamental aspects of our mental life and the relationship between body and psyche.

Alberto Oliverio

Neuroscientist, professor of psychobiology at Sapienza, University of Rome. He has worked at numerous international research institutes including Karolinska in Stockholm, the Brain Research Institute at UCLA in Los Angeles, the Jackson Laboratory in Maine, and the Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California at Irvine.

I have known Massimo Caiazzo for too long, in truth I have even had enough, now he has even asked me to say something about his work. I find it negative, but I am not talking about quality, I am talking about quantity, too many things. He also got involved in colour, design and graphics were not enough for him, he stretched his hands there too. I must explain, however, that I am writing at a time when I do not like the world and consent on his part would be suspicious, so I hope that the Caiazzo site will not be missed, I wish him a complete failure. If he had luck on such a planet, it would mean that he was indulging in bad passions. So don’t go and visit it, rather, throw your modem in the plastic bin and cancel your ADSL contract.

Maurizio Braucci

Writer and screenwriter.